Saturday, July 08, 2006

Thursday’s work-outs, July 6

Coach Steve wrote:
Cycle 90" total with 9 x 4" hard strength effort at <70rpm (1" RI spin)
Strength and Power Class
(I should note that Coach Steve unapolgetically reverses the usual minute-second notation, so when he writes 90" he means 90 min.)

In a busy day, when would I do a 90-min ride? I had a doctor’s appointment at 8:15, so I decided to bike to it—a 90-min ride for what is usually 25 min; consequently, I headed the wrong way for 10 or so miles, along my favourite arterials to work out on, St Clair Avenue east from O’Connor Drive, and Kingston Road. I got as far as Galloway Road (just past the Canadian National Railways’ Kingston Subdivision, at Guildwood Station). Kingston Road (for many decades Ontario’s Highway No. 2) is a busy road, especially during morning rush hour; but it has wide curb lanes and good sightlines, so it was tolerable for a good work-out.

As Coach Steve instructed, I “mashed” the gears for seven 5-min periods. Without a cadence indicator, I just pushed the gear up and allowed my cadence to be ’way higher than I usually like.

Since the last time I visited this doc, the street in front of his office has been torn up for a major reconstruction (major both technically and politically; in fact, it’s also called St Clair Avenue, but is in fact disconnected from the St Clair Avenue I was working out on; they share a name because they run along the same cadastral line—a story for another time!). Not having anywhere to lock my bike, I took it into the doc’s office; that meant I’d carried my two locks for 23 miles for no reason. Darn!

From my doctor’s office, I just “commuted” to work. It’s funny how you can ride the same bike in different modes or styles. Having said that, I still went over 30 mi/h descending Avenue Road from St Clair Avenue.

After a too-short time in my office, I walked over to the Source Centre for Health & Wellness, where I had about an hour of shiatsu therapy from Alison. As usual, it was intensely painful. I made the mistake(?) of telling her I had an unaccustomed sharp feeling in the ball of my right foot when I walked down stairs; for the first time that meant she worked on my feet. Truly excruciating pain. Regardless, I bounced off the table feeling loose & happy.

I biked easily to PROformance, taking a route different than I’ve taken in the past from work; a good route for rush hour, but Dupont Street’s curb lane is in terrible shape. (PROformance is more or less on Dupont Street, tho’ its address is in Campbell Avenue.)

Coach Lindsay had a rough day planned for us, but because there were only nine of us (compared to the usual two dozen) he finished with us early. Anyway, this is what he had us do: Dynamic warm-up. Turning lunges (forward, side, backward, side, forward, etc.; turning clockwise on first lap, counter-clockwise on second). Stepping lunges w/15-lb plate crossed over; then backwards (of course), then overhead(!). Hopping, w/15-lb plate over head, toes turned to 10 then 2 then 10 o’clock; could not do this at all. Then hopping on one foot; could not do left. Ab work: on mat, using 15-lb plate in sit-ups! Then holding on command, plate straight above; then, on command, putting the plate aside from time to time.

Finally, I biked home—and ate like I was starving! Including my commuting, I rode 38 mi—not bad!


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